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3 Ways to Make Your Noticeboard Advertisement Stand Out.

Let’s face it, in as much as it is important to market your business or product, carrying out effective marketing campaigns can be quite expensive and time consuming. Putting your AD on a bill board for example would take you back KES 250,000/= month. An advertisement on one street light pole would cost 25,000/= per month. A classified AD on the newspaper would see you sacrifice up to KES 5000/= a day. On top of that a few more zeros would have to be added to your budget to account for all the talent needed to come up with effective concepts and artwork for your campaign. It’s quite daunting to say the least. Perhaps this is why 20% of the businesses dominate 80% of the total marketing real estate space in Kenya.

Good news is, there are tried and tested ways to have a tight marketing budget and still get precious value for your money. Digital marketing continues to produce success for businesses who have mastered the right strategy on how to target and reach the vast array of customers browsing the internet. However in this series we shall begin by laying out less sophisticated avenues which your business can start taking advantage of NOW!! And still achieve decent results with minimal effort and budget.



[endif]--Over the years, the appetite for consumerism among Kenyans has grown exponentially. In-fact recent polls claim that more than half of Kenyans live beyond their means, spending up to 5% more than what they earn. This trend has seen numerous shopping malls surface. Each mall enjoying a tremendous increase in foot traffic month to month. To take advantage of this foot traffic, most malls have erected noticeboards in areas with the highest foot traffic within the complex. Advertising in these noticeboards would expose your business to 20-100,000 shoppers who walk into each of these malls every month. What’s amazing is that you can reach all these people for as low as KES 1500/= a month. ![endif]--

As you can see from the Sarit Centre Noticeboard above, many advertisers have seen the benefits. As a result, even businesses that deliver their services purely online such as Cheki have turned to the noticeboard to grow their clientèle base. This is because, even as online avenues continue to grow in popularity, a large part of the Kenyan market still rely on offline channels to get information. The noticeboard is one of the cheapest way you can reach this large clientèle base.


Now it is not just enough to place your poster AD on the noticeboard. This too like any other successful marketing campaign requires informed strategy. Below are some of the things to consider should you want your advertisement to stand out and achieve its desired result:

  1. Content: It all begins with the message you deliver to your audience. What can you tell them about your product or service that would set you apart from your competitors? To do this effectively you would first have to understand your audience, their tastes and desires. You then have to determine the unique value proposition your service or product has over your competitors. Coming from this point of understanding you can now craft a tag line, heading or write up that speaks to the hearts of your target customers and shows them why you’re the best person to meet their needs. Above all keep in mind, content is King.

Is this a service we can offer on the side.

  1. Aesthetics: So you have a good Header, Tag Line and Write Up, that captures what your business does and shows your customers why you’re best placed to meet their needs in that particular area. Great! The next question then becomes, how does my advertisement STAND OUT!! From the crowd? You want your ad to draw the attention of all foot traffic that passes by the noticeboard. Assuming you only have 1 minute of a passers-by attention, having the most outstanding presentation then becomes the most important thing at that point. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Good Design: Your advertisement needs to be simple, to the point and pleasing to look at. Your write up has to be bold and the colour scheme has to contrast well with the background and text.

  • Size of advertisement: In this case, the bigger the better. Though there is a marginal cost increase in putting up bigger poster advertisement, the return on investment is definitely worth it. It is also important to note that the quality of paper you use goes a long way in increasing the aesthetic appeal of your advertisement. An A3 and A2 poster size is recommended for capturing full attention.

  1. Duration: Different people visit different malls at different times. To be able to capture everyone’s attention, you would want to invest in a long-term arrangement. This way all your target audience would have the opportunity to view your advertisement if and when they visit the mall. Otherwise your target customer may walk in at a time when your advertisement has already expired and you would miss on that opportunity.

  2. Location: Lastly, it would be wise to select noticeboard locations where your target customer is likely to visit and leave out other locations that would not appeal to them. You may be selling a 10 Million House in Westlands for example. Putting your advertisement in Sarit Centre would be most effective since all those who prefer living in Westlands as a location are likely to visit Sarit Centre. You should also insist to have your advertisement on a prominent and conspicuous section of the noticeboard where visibility is highest.


  1. Do it Online: It is now possible to post your noticeboard advertisement online and have it printed and delivered to all your desired locations for you. This option removes all the stress of running up and down. It also saves you valuable time and lets you focus on what you do best. To post online visit and click Post AD. You shall then be requested for all the relevant information needed to have your AD printed and posted. All rates and charges shall then be emailed to you. Upon payment via MPESA, your poster AD shall be printed, delivered and posted within 24 hours.

  2. Do it Offline: You could also go about it the traditional way and deliver your poster advertisement to each mall. Adlink LTD has distribution centres in Sarit and Yaya Centre. You could visit any of the Adlink Centres and have your advertisement delivered to all other malls from there.

  3. I need help with content & design: We have a great network of graphic designers on board. Content & Designs may cost from as low as KES 500/= to KES 3000/= Depending on the complexity of the concept. Feel free to contact us should you need further assistance on this. Our contacts included below


Adlink is Ad-Tech Startup that focuses on seamlessly linking offline and online marketing channels in a bid to help our clientele base reach their target audience at an affordable budget. We have worked with over 2000 satisfied clients on conceptualizing and executing both digital and offline marketing campaigns on a shoe string budget. Our contact details are included below. Feel free to reach out today.

Adlink LTD

Phone: +254-728464418




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